About this property
Great mix use building in the Heart Of East Harlem, with income generating commercial space. This is one of the 4 buildings being sold as a preferred package deal in the same area. The other 3 are actually right up the street on the same block. This building has 2 apts and 2 commercial spaces, which can be a great income producing investment. All of these buildings have significant air rights... Close proximity to the 6 train and multiple bus routes. East River Plaza Mall is a stone through away, which has multiple department stores like, Costco, Target, Burlington, Marshalls, Aldi to name a few.
Residential FAR 4.2
Facility FAR 4.2
FAR as built 2.20
Allowed usable floor area 7,312
Usable floor area as built 3,830
Unused FAR 3,482
Square feet 3,825
Building dimensions 17 ft x 55 ft
Lot sqft 1,741
Lot dimensions 17.25 ft x 100.92 ft
Note that the above is given for information only, as a very basic explanation of FAR and Development Rights (generally and related to specific property).
Listing Courtesy of Eugene Santiago